Team Member Spotlight | Kara Miner

LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness.

April 30, 2021
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LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness. The Team Member Spotlight series highlights one of our team members each month. This month, the spotlight is on Kara Miner, Senior Operations Specialist, who has been at LenderClose since May 2018.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be and why?

Jack of all trades! At heart, I am a guide and resource to others as I have been in the mortgage industry for 20+ years. I love to share my thoughts, open people’s eyes, and make an impact on the credit union world. I am happiest when my hard work results in a positive change in others’ lives and businesses.

What is something lenders/lending industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

Having an integrated online accessible loan application that will feed into our document preparation vendor. It has been a challenge for some of our users and would be a great boost to our platform.

What credentials/past experience prepared you for working in your position?

Previously I worked for a large banking institution for 15 years in various mortgage and tax areas. Prior to LenderClose, I worked for a local credit union which provided me a lot of insight into the credit union world versus a large banking entity.

What do you enjoy about the work you do?

I love to help people solve issues by teaching them and I enjoy getting feedback about our platform. I like working on the phones and handling client questions through to resolution. My position allows me to play to my strengths, one of which is relating to people on a personal level. The work I do is purpose-driven. I feel like I am not getting paid because of what I do, I am getting paid for who I am. I have the confidence to be totally authentic without anything to hide!

What hobbies, volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?

I enjoy antiquing as I have several collections. I also enjoy spending time with my husband and our cat, George Kittle Miner, watching sporting events or new movies and shows. I am also passionate about social change and belong to a few local online support communities.

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