Team Member Spotlight | Max Zaug

LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness.

May 28, 2021
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LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness. The Team Member Spotlight series highlights one of our team members each month. This month, the spotlight is on Max Zaug, AVP of Bank Relations, who has been at LenderClose since August 2020.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be and why?

Strategic Partner: I work with our current partners to improve the real estate lending experience for their staff and borrowers.

What is something lenders/lending industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

A common issue in the lending industry today is the antiquated processes that institutions haven’t changed in eons.  At LenderClose, we are here to crush the status quo and we do that by giving our partners the knowledge and tools they need to modernize their lending practices.

What credentials/past experience prepared you for working in your position?

Working as a Technology Advisor for both large and small institutions alike gave me the insight needed to navigate both accordingly to enable change.

What do you enjoy about the work you do?

I look forward to providing our partners with the HELL YEAH experience that they all deserve and look for, but can only achieve with the support of LenderClose.

What hobbies, volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?

In my downtime, I love to golf, hike, and cook!

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