Team Member Spotlight | Melanie Wacha

At LenderClose, our team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness within their teams.

November 10, 2020
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At LenderClose, our team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness within their teams. To show the appreciation for the amazing members of our #DreamTeam, LenderClose began a Team Member Spotlight series, which highlights one team member each month. This month, LenderClose is putting the spotlight on Melanie Wacha, Lead Operations Specialist, who has been part of Team LenderClose since December 2019.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be and why?

Pipeline Agronomist. An agronomist, by definition, are scientists who are well-trained in studying, caring for and researching crops. They critically examine crops to determine how to fight diseases, nurture growth and improve quality. My job is exactly like that, only with lender files and vendor orders. In this support role, we are in charge of reviewing orders, researching orders and pipelines and ensuring everything is flowing smoothly and accurately for the lender and vendors. If not, we have to determine who, what, where, when and why and work with multiple departments for final solutions and execution. We are always looking to improve quality and quantity and as always member experience!

You recently received a promotion from Operations Specialist to Lead Operations Specialist. What are your goals for your new role and as team leader?

Overall, my main goal is simple. Improvement. I won't settle for OK or inefficient processes. Right now, I'm working on peeling back layers and digging in deep. Like I always say, the best part of a remodel is the demolition stage!

What is something lenders/lending industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

In this day and age, everything is about efficiency, improvement and growth. The technology world is ever-growing and changing. Some job roles are becoming obsolete, including customer service and automated phone services. However, I believe that you can never replace great personal customer service. Our company does a great job of making sure our clients get the one-on-one attention they need and deserve, no matter what the circumstances may be. I want to make sure we don’t lose that personal relationship with our clients.

What credentials/past experience prepared you for working in your position?

I've had an assortment of roles in the real estate/mortgage industry that have prepared me for my current role. I have been a real estate closer and notary, as well as a processor, closer, team lead and manager in the closing department of several mortgage companies. I was also a purchase clearing specialist and supervisor in a post closing role. Every role I have had has helped me in my current job position. My varying knowledge base in title work, closings, notaries and mortgage regulations has helped me flourish in this role and become an asset not only to other team members and departments, but also to lenders and vendors alike. It has produced many great conversations, ideas and improvements in the short 11 months that I have been here.

What do you enjoy about the work you do?

I enjoy finding solutions to problems, and sometimes identifying the problems that need solutions. I love uncovering data that proves we can do better and be better. I want to always keep moving forward. I also enjoy making people laugh, especially during stressful times. Work doesn't have to be boring and stale...and who doesn't enjoy a few good one-liners?

What hobbies, volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?

I have four kids and two dogs, and as a family, our hobbies include fishing, paintballing and baseball - lots of baseball. When I have some time to myself, I like to create paintings and sketches. Another passion of mine is photography - whether it be nature or my family and dogs. I enjoy catching the beauty of everyday moments.

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