Team Member Spotlight | Connor Sorge

At LenderClose, our team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness within their teams.

September 9, 2020
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At LenderClose, our team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness within their teams. To show the appreciation for the amazing members of our #DreamTeam, LenderClose is kicking off a Team Member Spotlight series, which will highlight one team member each month.This month, LenderClose is putting the spotlight on Connor Sorge, Relationship Manager, who has been part of Team LenderClose since July 2019.

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do at LenderClose, what would it be and why?

Strategic Partnership Lead: As my goal is to build a sustainable partnership, taking initiative on asking questions and creating conversations that uncover a challenge is crucial. Being able to lead to innovative thoughts and inspiring the “partner” to think differently is my favorite part of the job.

What is something that lenders/lending industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

I want to fix the cumbersome and inefficient workflows that I see in the real estate lending space. Many real estate lending teams spend too much time on simple tasks that can be automated. Instead, their job could be more focused on the clients themselves, which in turn, speeds up the overall lending process. With the right technology and workflow, a loan can take a few business days to process instead of weeks.

What credentials or past experience prepared you for working in your position?

Working in the financial service industry and building a book of business at Northwestern Mutual allowed me to see the importance of building quality relationships and understanding values. My personal experience of expecting digital services within the financial services realm has created a passion for supporting innovative change to happen in these smaller financial institutions.

What do you enjoy about your job?

I love making friends, building that relationship through various tasks and education, and being able to create innovation for our partners’ teams.

What hobbies, volunteering or passion projects do you have outside of work?

I coach baseball for the Iowa Sticks, a travel baseball organization. In my free time, I spend a lot of time golfing, hunting and fishing or looking for a new favorite craft beer.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”I think this quote is very applicable to the financial services world. The world has changed, borrower/member expectations have changed, and employee expectations have changed. Being able to adapt to the digital world is going to be a must for lending teams at financial institutions if they want to survive.

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